Choose the Best Family Law Attorney in Overland Park KS

ParksClevenger LLC
ParksClevenger LLC Reviews

Review: Good divorce attorney Read More

Short, Borth & Thilges, Attorneys at Law, LLC
Short, Borth & Thilges, Attorneys at Law, LLC Reviews

Review: Jennifer Hagg is me effing HERO! The only lawyer who could actually get me custody of my daughter and would listen to me and actually believe what I was telling her. Thank you Ms. Hagg, I can never be able to express my gratitude properly. Read More

Leiker Law Office, P.A.
Leiker Law Office, P.A. Reviews

Review: My kids are my life. I was stuck in an abusive relationship with my ex, mentally and physically, and Mr. Leiker helped me way beyond expectations. I thought that because I was a stay-at-home mom that I would get destroyed in Court because my husband made all the money. Mr. Leiker quickly proved me wrong at the very first hearing. He took control of the case right away, and I am confident I got everything from the judge I was entitled to...including custody!!!! I will never be able to thank this ... Read More

Burke McClasky Stevens
Burke McClasky Stevens Reviews

Review: Jace McClasky acted as a mediator for our divorce. He and the staff are professional and very empathetic when working with you on your issues. I highly recommend them and choosing meditation over the traditional divorce option which can be quite adversarial. Read More

Cordell & Cordell
Cordell & Cordell Reviews

Review: My attorney made terrible arguments in court. Pretty amazing for being a Senior Partner. Would not recommend!!! Read More

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