Choose the Best Family Law Attorney in Colorado Springs CO

Boal Law Firm, P.C.
Boal Law Firm, P.C. Reviews

Review: Boal Law Firm was a beacon of light in a very dark time for my family and myself. He supported us and navigated us through a hard system to understand. He is trustworthy, dependable and compassionate. I value his opinion. Mr. Boal was professional and very appropriate in the courtroom. Read More

Sanders Law Firm
Sanders Law Firm Reviews

Review: My case concluded one month ago, and I was told by the lead attorney that he would write up the invoice and mail me out the rest of the retainer. A month later, despite repeated requests for the money back, and repeated assurances on the part of the firm that they would send it back, I still haven't received a penny of it...or an explanation of where the money is. It is quite apparent that they are holding on to the money as long as possible to profit themselves with the interest. I am filing a ... Read More

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