Choose the Best Attorney in Grand Junction CO

Schweissing Stephan B
Schweissing Stephan B Reviews

Review: I have been a client of Mr. Schweissing now for one month. I have been so pleased with the help and direction I am receiving from him. He is on top of things, he respondes to emails and questions that I have in a timely manner. Working with an attorney can be a scary thing. I feel so much better about my life and my future now in just a short time I have had his help. We still have more work to do moving forward but I would recommend him for sure for anyone looking for help. Read More

Mueller Gregory J
Mueller Gregory J Reviews

Review: I saw the wheels turned by one of his legal letters and was impressed with Mr Mueller's writing and grip on the application of law for the situation. Read More

Kuzminski Michael A
Kuzminski Michael A Reviews

Review: Excellent advise and an expert in Gas/Oil lease/Mineral Rights. He has represented me for 8 years and was very educated in leases and selling. He is a skilled negotiator, very prompt with attention to every detail. Mr. Kuzminski is mindful, courteous and very kind . He was always on top of my account and called me before I needed to call him. Without a doubt, he offered the best legal council and I would highly recommend his services. Read More

Coleman & Quigley, LLC
Coleman & Quigley, LLC Reviews

Review: Excellent customer service. Took care of some legal documents exceptionally fast in for an exceptionally fair value. Read More

Andrew Peters
Andrew Peters Reviews

Review: Extremely knowledgeable and articulate to make sure you know exactly what he is saying so you can understand it. Kept me in the loop and had a great outcome to my case! Read More

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