Choose the Best Criminal Justice Attorney in Richmond VA

The Healthcare Fraud Group - James S. Bell Attorney
The Healthcare Fraud Group - James S. Bell Attorney Reviews

Review: I had a pretty serious charge hanging over my head. I had never been in trouble before, I had no idea how to go about selecting the right attorney. I called James Bell’s office and he answered directly within the first couple of rings. He was incredibly professional and immediately took a personal interest in my case. I had not even made the choice to hire him yet and he already had and read my case file and had spoken with the district attorney within the first couple hours of us speaking. He w... Read More

The Law Office of Debra D. Corcoran
The Law Office of Debra D. Corcoran Reviews

Review: After my experience with a less-effective lawyer, I was advised to contact Debra Corcoran. After our free consultation I knew I had to have her represent me. In the consultation she took her time, asked questions I never would have thought of, provided insight and recommendations and gave her undivided attention. She is the gold standard when it comes to professionalism, knowledge, experience, and wisdom which only comes from being successful in a field you specialize in. For Debra, that field i... Read More

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